Running masterclass.


The Jogging Room - Running Tutorials, Tips & Plans - Running Masterclass



The Jogging Room - Running Tutorials, Tips & Plans



Our Online Courses


Help with sports psychology

Do you need help with your sports psychology? Find out in this lecture.


Why do we run?

Lets have a little think about why we run, and what we should be looking for from running


How recovery runs help

The benefits of easy runs, and how they help the legs (and mind) recover


How nutrition can help your running

We start nutrition of with why it matters to focus on your nutrition, and how it can help training & racing.


Recap of sports nutrition

How you pull everything together when it comes to nutrition, and how it helps / what you should do.


How to carb load properly

This lectures helps you carb load properly for your marathon, and not run out of fuel during the race.


How rest and recovery periods help

Learning to schedule rest and recovery periods into the training year and how this helps.


Home gym strength routine

A full routine to help your improve your strength at home.


We all share a love for running because it has the power to change your life.

The running masterclass covers all areas that can help to improve your running. Recovery techniques, nutrition tips, psychology support, strength & condition routines, and over 60 lectures covering these areas from my Olympics experience “what I do” approach.

60 lectures with over 10 hours of tips & tutorials to totally transform your running, and help you run faster, stay healthier and achieve some of your wildest dreams. I can already see you crossing that finish line achieving that life long goal, and finally all your hard work will be placed in the right areas.

Running Masterclass
Running Masterclass

Watch a lecture now

I wanted to help teach people the things I do as auto pilot that perhaps other runners don’t know about, or perhaps need a reminder. 

Nutrition, Recovery, Psychology, Strength & conditioning, and very running specific (how to train, and get better). The five most important elements of being a better runner.

60 lectures, 10 hours of tips.

Running Masterclass

runners can improve
their overall performance and achieve their goals.

runners can improve their overall performance and achieve their goals.

What makes my Running tips so unique?

My #1 focus is to help you run faster, but not because I care too much about your personal best, and more because I understand that running has the power to make you super happy, or it can beat you down.
At the very least after going through my running masterclass you will understand what it takes to reach your full potential at running, and perhaps you will understand what you need to improve to keep progressing.

Five Workshops

Recovery, nutrition, psychology, and strength training all play an important role in the overall success and well-being of runners.
Proper recovery of the body after training or competition reduces the risk of injury. A balanced nutrition plan helps to nourish the body and achieve high-quality results. A positive attitude and good mental health also affect an athlete, since confidence and motivation are key factors in achieving success. Strength training can help increase power and speed, strengthen key muscle groups.
Running Masterclass - MARATHON PLAN
The Jogging Room - Running Tutorials, Tips & Plans
The Jogging Room - Running Tutorials, Tips & Plans

Running masterclass

  • Five workshops
  • 10-15 lectures per workshop
  • 60 hours of tips & tutorials
  • Olympian experience
  • Gym support, running drills, and more video tutorials
Running Masterclass

Recovery lecture

Choosing to help your brain during heavy training will help ensure you don’t hit plateaus with motivation, and your consistency will improve a lot. With better consistency in training your race results will boom.

I picked the workshops recovery, nutrition, psychology, strength and then running specific because I believed that’s the key areas to being better at running.
