Running Masterclass
Improve your running online / anytime

Five workshops
60 lectures, and 12 hours of tips / routines
Working with an Olympian can provide valuable insights and guidance for runners looking to progress faster and achieve their goals.
Recovery, Nutrition, Psychology, Strength training and Running specific are the key areas to ensure you improve as a runner. I take a deep dive into these five key areas, and ensure you start working on the main components that helps me progress to the Olympic level.

"Learning to maximise adaptation to training and help your body stay healthy / less fatigued during training."
- Why is recovery important
- What I do for recovery
- Be yourself
- Recovery for the brain
- Sleep tips
- Self massage
- Recovery tools and when to use them
- Cross training

“Learning what foods will help / hinder recovery, as well as fuelling training / racing. (minimise risk)”
- Why is nutrition important
- What I do for nutrition
- General tips for life and sports
- Nutrition for after training
- Marathon and Fuel
- Carb loading
- How to get to race weight

“How to get the absolute best out of yourself in training, and on race day. Not letting emotions overwhelm you.”
- Why is psychology important to focus on?
- Structure of pscyhology
- Psychology sports perspective
- Psychology for life
- Choice point - person you'd like to be
- Routine building
- Asking for help

Strength & Conditoning
“If you want to run your absolute best you must start to build the strength in the gym to be able to handle a strong training program.”
- Why is gym important
- My gym routine
- Where to begin with gym - getting started
- Strength training for rehab
- Strength training for durability
- Strength training to improve performance
- Strength guides & routines to follow along

Running Specific
“With a better understanding of the previous 4 workshops, now you can start to focus on your running & planning the year better etc.. for maximum progression.”
- Welcome to running specific
- Learning why you run
- How to train specific for your next race
- My running journey
- Advice for getting better at running
- How to work on your weaknesses
- Goal setting for the year