
Recovery ball routine

Full routine of how you can use a recovery ball to loosen off muscles, and help recovery


Best recovery tips & what to do

Recap of the workshop and how you can implement a recovery strategy into your training.


Runners activation routine

Check out this activation routine to help reduce injuries by preparing your muscles before leaving the house.


Learn to be yourself

Learn to be yourself, and how important this is for recovery.


Muscle tension – hard & soft muscles

Learn how to keep your muscles in a state of readiness vs the days you feel awful.


Why is recovery important

This lecture takes you through why you should focus on recovery as a runner, and what benefits you can expect.


Foam rolling routine

Full foam rolling routine with support to ensure you do it correctly and avoid any injuries


How to sleep better

Lets take a dive into better sleep, and how you can improve recovery with better sleep.


What I do for recovery

In this lecture I go through my recovery routine, and how I maximise training benefits.


Runners mobility routine

Mobility routine that can help your body recovery well, and move better when running.


Recovery for the brain

Just like the computer can often benefit from a reset today we talk about how this helps your running, and the brain.


How rest and recovery periods help

Learning to schedule rest and recovery periods into the training year and how this helps.


Recovery tools and how they help

Learn what recovery tools could be useful to help your body recover from all the hard training.


Self massage routine at home

Start benefiting from a self massage routine at home, and tips on how this can help safely support your training,


What are the benefits of cross training?

This lecture dives into how cross training could not only help you recover, but help you get fitter.


How recovery runs help

The benefits of easy runs, and how they help the legs (and mind) recover